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Why do researchers need collaborators?

Collaborative projects can deliver 5 key benefits to your research:

  •     Maximise your research outputs
  •     Maximise your research impact
  •     Attract funding
  •     Expand your research network
  •     Expand your skills and perspective

What is a research collaborator?

The role of a research collaborator is to enhance the problem solving and planning activities required to successfully complete your research. Working together with a researcher/s who shares similar interests in particular disciplines will promote further discussion, provide insights from different experiences and insights and together will more than likely promote better research outcomes.
In addition, research collaborators can significantly increase your research impact by increasing awareness of your work and driving citations.

How to find a collaborator to enhance your research impact

The best place to look for appropriate collaborators is in the literature, researchers who are currently publishing in your topic or field of interest. As you plan your research you will become aware of who publishes in your area of interest.

  1. Databases such as Scopus and SciVal can identify high impact researchers within your discipline
  2. Networking
  3. Participate in international online forums
  4. Set aside time to communicate with the established researchers in your field
  5. Understand the skills that you offer to a research project
  6. Build and maintain an up to date social media presence
  7. Ensure the proposed collaborator has a relatively high research impact  


Further resources

Elsevier Researcher Academy provides learning modules to better understand the nuances of collaboration

How to find international collaborators for your research

7 tips for securing a research collaboration

International collaboration in scientific research: Boon or bane?

5 ways that collaboration can further your research and your career