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Learning and teaching resources

This guide will help you to find and use all the available useful sources to help you get just what you need fast!

Begin with Library Catalogue

When you get your first assignment, look for information on your topic in Library Catalogue – the Library’s search engine.


Depending on your assignment you may also need to use one of our specialised databases. Databases are extremely useful tools for researching specific information, recent information and scholarly articles.

Key Databases

A+ Education
In partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Australia this database encompasses all aspects of learning from early childhood through to tertiary, adult learning, assessment, distance learning, international education, indigenous education and literacy.

Academic Search Ultimate
Scholarly resource providing superior full-Text, academic journals covering the major areas of academic research, with more than 13,780 indexed and abstracted journals, and full text for over 4,770 journals

Education Source Education Source contains education articles on a variety of topics such as education theory, curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding, and social issues. In addition to articles, Education Source includes full text books, conference papers and other documents

ERIC Education Database
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.

Informit Australian Collections
Informit is a major Australian database providers covering A+ Education, Australian Public Affairs-FT, Business, Families & Society, Health, Humanities & Social Sciences, Indigenous and Literature & Culture Collection

This is just a selection of the thousands of ebooks available

Useful Websites

PETAA - Primary English Teaching Association Australia

A national, not-for-profit professional association supporting primary school educators in the teaching and learning of English.

Australian Literacy Educators' Association

An independent professional association dedicated to literacy and English language learning from early childhood through all stages of schooling and tertiary education.

Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE)

The AATE is a national professional association established and supported by state and territory English teaching associations.

Learning and Teaching resources

Find a range of resources to help you teach specific subjects including information on delivering English, Maths, Health and Physical Education, ICT and English as an Additional Language. (Victorian Government)

ACER Literacy & Numeracy feed

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