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Making your search strategy

Look at your assessment question or choose one of ours.

Discuss the efficacy of honey as a topical treatment for wound care in nursing practice.

Evaluate how social media can be used as an effective marketing tool to promote business in Australia

Discuss how sustainable practices can be used to improve facilities management in hotels.

How can blockchain technology improve data integrity and privacy in healthcare cybersecurity?

Select a learning strategy that builds student engagement and align it educational theory.

Activity 1. Keywords - Highlight two keywords in your assessment question. (2 Minutes)
Done: 16 votes (88.89%)
Need more time: 2 votes (11.11%)
Total Votes: 18
Activity 2. Create a keyword search. - Connect your two keywords together. (2 minutes)
Done: 15 votes (88.24%)
Need more time: 2 votes (11.76%)
Total Votes: 17


Activity 3.Create one synonym or related idea for each of your keywords. (3 minutes)
Done: 14 votes (87.5%)
Need more time: 2 votes (12.5%)
Total Votes: 16

Your concepts shouls look like this:

( keyword OR synonyn to the keyword)

Activity 4. Join all the parts together to make a search sentence. (2 minutes)
Done: 14 votes (93.33%)
Need more time: 1 votes (6.67%)
Total Votes: 15


Activity 5. Select "Search" select the number of results your search falls within
1-50: 4 votes (36.36%)
50-200: 5 votes (45.45%)
200-400: 1 votes (9.09%)
400-1500: 1 votes (9.09%)
1500+: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 11

Refining your results

Can you add more keywords for each concept search box?
Yes: 11 votes (100%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 11


Can you limit the date range to the last five years?
Yes: 14 votes (100%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 14
