
Key points

  • As an educational provider Torrens University may copy up to 10% or one chapter of a book for educational purposes
  • Changing the format of a material does not exempt the user from the 10% rule
  • Don't include material in your subject that you don't have permission to use
  • Breach of Copyright can have serious consequences for both the individuals and institution involved

Contact: University Copyright Officer Alison Scott 

Scanned readings

  • No new scanned readings or documents should be added to BlackBoard.
  • The Library is implementing a new readings list management system (Key Readings+) to curate all suggested readings, and to take responsibility for ensuring scanned (PDF) readings are copyright compliant. PDF readings currently in BlackBoard are in the process of being moved to this system. 
  • If you have a reading that is unavailable through the library's collection or the internet, please contact your Head Librarian to discuss possible purchase and/or alternatives. If a scanned resource is the only option, the Library may be able to arrange an interim delivery option.


  • The Educational Statutory Licence allows Torrens University to copy and communicate images from both print and digital sources, for educational purposes, within BlackBoard. However, the University must be able to provide accurate recordkeeping of all copyright works used under the licence, for when the institution is regularly audited by the Copyright Agency. 
  • For this reason, subject writers are strongly encouraged to use only images that are out of copyright (public domain), licensed under stock photo contracts, or Creative Commons, or similar terms of use that allow reproduction for educational use. 
The Educational Statutory Licence

Under the Copyright Act 1968, Torrens University is allowed to copy and communicate copyright materials (text and images), for the educational purposes of the institution, provided we have a licence in place with the Copyright Agency. 


What is a Creative Commons (CC) licence?


The CC licences provide a simple standardised way for individual creators, companies and institutions to share their work with others on flexible terms without infringing copyright. The licences allow users to reuse, remix and share the content legally.

Although we are covered by the Copyright for Education Licence, it is still helpful to understand CC.


There are six standardised CC licences.

Each CC licence grants certain baseline permissions to users in advance, authorising them to use the material, provided they comply with core conditions, as well as other general terms in the licence. You can find further information here.

The baseline permissions granted by the CC licences permit the material to be copied, distributed, displayed and performed. All six of the CC licences require attribution to be given to the author.

Four of the CC licences additionally grant permission to users to use the CC-licensed material to create a Derivative Work or Adapted Material.

The other core conditions are:

  • NonCommercial (NC)

  • No Derivatives (ND)

  • Share Alike (SA)


The above information has been taken from

Your Librarians

Jessica Tyndall, Education & Health

Sally Kudrna, Design & Creative Technologies

Sandy Pleffer, Business & Hospitality