Under the Copyright Act, authors/creators have the right to have their work properly acknowledged when it is quoted, and the right not to have their work subjected to unreasonable derogatory treatment. These rights are called "moral rights" and are separate from copyright. It is an added reason why it is important to acknowledge the sources you use, as per academic referencing conventions.
What does this mean for TUA?
TUA policy on moral rights can be found in the Intellectual Property Policy.
If TUA staff and students follow good academic practice, and use appropriate referencing, there should be no problems with the right of attribution.
In the case of the right of integrity there should be few problems if what is done is in line with relevant industry practice, as it will be in the case of preparing teaching materials and readings. Staff who manipulate artworks, film, or other forms of media may need to consider their actions in the light of the above, and, if necessary, seek consent from the creator for the alterations they wish to make.