Referencing - Audio

Audio Podcasts


Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. OR Author screen name. (Host / Producer). (Year, Month Date). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. URL

In text example

 Reference list example

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 

(Van Nuys, 2005-present)

In-Text Citation (Quotation):
Van Nuys (2005-present)
In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 

(Van Nuys, 2005-present)


Van Nuys, D. (Producer). (2005-present). All shows [Audio podcast]. Shrink Rap Radio.



Podcast episode:

Van Nuys, D. (Producer). (2022, February 8). Beatriz and Albert Sheldon discussing Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems in Therapy (no. 787) [Audio podcast episode]. In Shrink rap radio.




For further information see:

Audio - Music

Music Album 
Writer Surname, First Initial. Second Initial.  (Year). Title of Album [Album]. Music label.
Song or Track from an Album

Artist. (Year). Title of work [Song]. On Name of Album. Music label.

In text example

 Reference list example

In-text citation:


(Ronson, 2019)


(Swift, 2016)



In-text citation:

(Beyonce, 2016)


Music recording - song:

If the composer and recording artist are the same:

Ronson, M. (feat. Cabello, C.) (2019). Find u again [Song]. On Late Night Feelings.  Columbia.

If the composer and recording artist are different:

Swift, T. (2016). Better man [Recorded by Little Big Town]. On The Breaker. Capitol.


Single song or track:

Beyonce. (2016). Formation [Song]. On Lemonade. Parkwood; Columbia. 


  • - Audiobook references use the same format as for ebooks
  • - Specify the format in square brackets immediately after the title, eg. [Audiobook]
  • - Give the commercial URL of the audiobook supplier, do not use the URL of the individual audiobook
  • - To directly quote from an audiovisual work (e.g., audiobook), provide a time stamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page   number.
Author/Editor Surname, First Initial. Second Initial.  (Year). Title of audiobook [Audiobook]. URL

In text example

 Reference list example

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Young, 2006)

In-Text Citation (Quotation):

Young (2006, 5:10).


Young, J. K. (2006). Human anatomy: The beauty of form and function [Audiobook].