Referencing - Legislation & Cases


  • - For in text referencing, the title and year is used instead of an author’s name


Example Acts and Bills (Print)

Short Title of the Act in italics Year in italics (Jurisdiction abbreviation) subdivision if relevant (Country abbreviation).

Example Acts and Bills (Online)

Short Title of the Act in italics Year in italics (Jurisdiction abbreviation) subdivision if relevant (Country abbreviation). URL

In text example

 Reference list examples

 In-text citation (paraphrase or direct quotation): 

The Copyright Act 1968 prohibits . . .



(According to s. 15 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) . . .



  Print example

Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (AU.). 


Online example

 Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) s. 15 (AU.).




  • The title of the case and year is written in italics for the in-text entry
  • The title of the case is written in standard type for the reference list entry


Reference list example

Name v. name, Volume number Reporter abbreviation First page number (Country abbreviation). (Year). URL

In text example

 Reference list examples

 In-text citation (paraphrase or direct quotation): 

In the land rights case Mabo v. Queensland (1998) . . .


. . . in a famous land rights case (Mabo v. Queensland, 1998).


Print example

Mabo v. Queensland, 9166 CLR 186 (AU). (1998).