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APA 7th ed. - Referencing Tool

Referencing - Thesis & Conference Papers



-A thesis is considered published when it is available from a database, an institutional reposityory or an archive.

-If the publication number has been included with the thesis, then add a publication number in brackets after the title, e.g: (Publication No. 123456)

-Identify the type of thesis as either "Doctoral dissertation" or "Master's thesis" after the title.

-Identify the educational institution that awarded the degree after the thesis type.

-Identify the database or repository name after the educational institution. 

-It is usually not recommended to cite unpublished disserations or theses. Please reach out to your learning facilitator first before citing such documents.


In-text Citation

(Author, Year, Page Range)


Reference List (Print)

Author. (Year). Title [Doctoral dissertation/Masters Thesis, Institution Name], Place of Publication.


Reference List (Unpublished Dissertation/Thesis)

Author. (Year). Title [Unpublished doctoral disseration]. Institution Name.


Reference List (Online)

Author. (Year). Title (Publication Number) [Doctoral dissertation/Masters Thesis, Institution Name]. Database/Repository Name. URL.

In text example

 Reference list example

 In-Text Citation
Conclusions drawn about critical thinking . . . (Christianson, 2017, p. 59).
(Smith, 2024, pp. 9-14)

 Thesis - Print

Christianson, R. (2017). A study of the academic skills profession in Sloten. [Master’s thesis, The University of Weesp]. Brussels, Belgium.


Thesis - Online

Smith, K. L. (2024). Skill Acquisition in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs: Are Students Competent Upon Graduation?(Publication No. 31300889) [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Alabama]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.



For further information see:

Published Dissertation or Thesis References by American Psychological Association

Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis References by American Psychological Association

Conference Papers


-Provide the full dates of the conference for a conference presentation

-Conference proceedings published in a journal follow the same format as journal articles

-Include the presentation type after the title, e.g. [Conference presentation], [Poster session]


Reference List (Conference proceedings published in a journal)

Presenter Names. (Year). Title of conference paper. Journal title. Volume (issue), page numbers. DOI or URL.


Reference List (Conference presentation)

Presenter Names. (Conference Date Range). Title. [Presentation Type], Conference Title, Location of Conference. DOI or URL.

In text example

 Reference list example

(Thomas, 2020, p. 1528) 
(Reeve et al., 2015, p. 6)

Published conference paper - journal

Thomas,T.F. (2020). Unanswered questions in hypertension: Prematurity and long-term trajectories, masked and white coat hypertension. European Heart Journal, 41(16), 1527-1530.


Conference presentation

Reeve, D., Rottmann, C., & Sacks, R. (2015, June 14-15). The ebb and flow of engineering leadership orientations [Paper presentation]. 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, Seattle, WA, United States.

For further information see:

Conference Presentation References by American Psychological Association

Conference Proceeding References by American Psychological Association