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APA 7th ed. - Referencing Tool

Referencing - Magazines, Pamphlets & Newspapers


  • - Include year, month (and day if applicable).


Print journal

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month, Day). Article title: Subtitle. Magazine Title, Volume(issue), page range.



Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month, Day). Article title: Subtitle. Magazine Title, Volume(issue), page range. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx OR http://xxxxx


In text example

 Reference list examples

 In-text citation (Magazine article - Print): 

 (Mogelson, 2021, p. 6).

In-text citation (Magazine article - Online): 
(Kostuch Media, 2022, para. 2). 

 Print example

Mogelson, L. (2021, January 25). The storm. The New Yorker, 5–12.  

Include year, month (and day if applicable).


Online example

Kostuch Media. (2022, February 9). Blue Mountain Resort joins Protect  Our Winter (POW) resort alliance. Hotelier.




For further information see:


  • - Indicate the type of publication in square brackets after the title, e.g. [Pamphlet].


Example - Print

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Title of brochure [Brochure]Location: Publisher.

Example - Online

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Title of brochure [Brochure]http://xxxxx


In text example

 Reference list examples

 In-text citation (Pamphlet / Brochure - Print): 

(BioRemedies, 2018, p. 9).




In-text citation (Pamphlet / Brochure - Online): 

(eMental Health in Practice, 2021).


 Print example

BioRemedies. (2018). Advancing professional recognition of alternative therapies [Pamphlet]. Queensland, Australia: BioRemedies.


 Online example 

eMental Health in Practice. (2021). A brief guide: Digital mental  health resources for young people [Brochure].



  • - Remember to include the year, month and day.
  • - Italicise the name of the newspaper, not the article title.
  • - For articles on an online news website, the article title is in italics, not the website as this is only the platform.
  • - For newspaper articles without an author, shorten the title and enclose in quotation marks for in-text references.


Example - Print (with Author)

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month, Day). Article Title. Newspaper Title, page number.

Example - Print (without Author)

Article Title. (Year, Month, Day). Newspaper Title, page number.

Example - Online Newspaper

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month, Day). Article Title. Newspaper Title, http://xxxxx

Example - Online News Website

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month, Day). Article Title. Website Title, http://xxxxx

In text example

 Reference list examples

 In-text citation (Newspaper article - with author): 

(Russell, 2020, p. 15).


 In-text citation (Newspaper article - without author):

(“Dexus to net”, 2016, p. 35).


 Print Newspaper article - with author

Russell, C. (2020, August 15). Uni’s appeal to graduates. The Advertiser, p. 15.

 Print Newspaper article - without author

Dexus to net $664.5m for two properties. (2016, August 8). The Age, p. 35

  Online Newspaper article - newspaper

Clun, R. (2020, August 17). Hay fever and COVID-19 symptoms 'difficult to untangle' as pollen season looms. Sydney Morning Herald. symptoms-difficult-to-untangle-as-pollen-season-looms-20200817- p55miv.html

 Online Newspaper article - news website

Golgowski, N. (2020, August 24). 2020 is proving another disastrous year for our Earth's climate. Huffpost.