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APA 7th ed. - Referencing Tool

Referencing - Film and Video

Online Video


-The author is usually considered as the name of the account that has uploaded the video. It is acceptable to use an author's online screen name.

-Provide the full date if available, otherwise include as much information about the date as you can find, such as the year.

-In the full reference entry, after the video title, include [Video].

-Always provide the online platform where the video was uploaded such as Youtube, TED etc...


In-text Citation

(Author, Year)

Reference List

Author OR Author online name. (Year, Month, Day). Title of video [Video]. Online Platform. URL of specific video

In text example

 Reference list example

 In-Text Citation 

(Khan Academy, 2014)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

 (HarvardX, 2017)

 Khan Academy Example:

Khan Academy. (2014). Organic chemistry naming examples 5 [Video]. Khan Academy.



YouTube Example

HarvardX. (2017, April 20). Mitochondria: The cell’s powerhouse [Video]. YouTube.



For further information see:

Film and Documentary


- Dates for films should be the date of first release, not when the video/DVD was published.

- Only the film title should be in italics.

-The format should be included after the title such as [Film].

-If there are multiple production companies, separate each one with a semicolon such as Studio A; Studio B.

-For films in another language, provide a translation of the title in square brackets after the title.


In-text Citation

(Director, Year)

Reference List

Director Name. (Role). (Year).  Title of movie [Format e.g. Film or DVD]. Production company(s)

Reference List (film in another language)

Director Name. (Role). (Year).  Title of movie [Translated Title] [Format e.g. Film or DVD]. Production company(s)

In text example

 Reference list example

 In-text Citation  

(Spurlock, 2004)



(Jackson, 2001)

Spurlock, M. (Producer & Director). (2004). Super size me [Film]. Fortissimo Films.


Film with multiple production companies

Jackson, P. (Director). (2001). The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring [Film]. New Line Cinema; WingNut Films; Marzano Films.


In-text Citation

(Woo, 2008)

Film in another language

Woo, J. (Director). (2008). 赤壁 [Red Cliff] [Film]. Beijing Film Studio; China Film Group Corporation; Lion Rock Productions.

Television Series


- Only the series title should be in italics.

-Provide the year range which the series aired as XXXX-XXXX

-If the series is still airing, replace the second year with present, e.g 2023-present

-Include [TV series] after the title.


In-text Citation

(Executive Producer Surname, Year Range)

Reference List (Television Series)

Executive Producer Name. (Executive Producer). (Year XXXX- Year XXXX). Series Title [TV series]. Production company(s).

Reference List (Single Episode)

Writer Names (Writer). Director Names (Director). (Year, Month, Day). Episode Title (Season number, Episode Number) [TV series episode]. In Executive Producer Names (Executive Producer), Series Title. Production Company(s).

In text example

 Reference list example

 In-Text Citation

 (Cox, Eagger, Gist, & Sklan, 2012-2015)



 Television series

Cox, D., Eagger, F., Gist, C., & Sklan, C. (Executive Producers). (2012-2015). Miss Fisher’s murder mysteries [TV series]. Every Cloud Productions. 


In-text Citation

(Davies & Walsh, 2011)

Television series - single episode

Davies, A. (Screenwriter), & Walsh, D. (Director). (2011, June 23). Episode 1 [TV series episode]. In G. Riley & J. Turner (Producers). Little Dorrit. BBC.