-If you are preparing a thesis, or a paper for publication, or your work is going to be made publicly available in any way, you will need to ensure you have the correct permissions to re-use any images, data, tables and figures that you may reproduce in your work. For further information, refer to our Copyright pages.
- Every image included needs a caption as part of its in-text citation.
-If the image is not your own work, it requires an in-text citation.
-Include a page range if possible.
- A copyright attribution must be included in the Reference list entry that identifies the copyright date range as well as the name of the copyright owner as Copyright XXXX-XXXX by Copyright Owner Name
-Refer to the Generative Artifical Intelligence page if looking to cite images made using AI tools
-The word Fig. and a number (from 1, in numerical order), both in bold font at the top.
- A title or brief description of the figure in italics. Include an in-text citation with author, year, and page number.
Fig. X
Image Title (Author, Year)
Author name OR online name. (Year). Title. Website name/Source. Copyright XXXX-XXXX by Copyright Owner Name. URL.
In text example |
Reference list example |
Fig. 1 Piriformis Stretch (Long, 2013)
Image from a website Long, R.A. (2013). Piriformis Stretch. The Daily Bandha. Copyright 2010 - 2017 by Raymond A. Long, MD. http://www.dailybandha.com/2013/12/healing-with-yoga-piriformis-syndrome.html
Fig. 1 Man holding a digital pictures (andranik123, n.d.) Note. Image is from Adobe Express. |
Image from Adobe Express Images from Adobe Express are licensed by Adobe. A full reference is needed. Right click on the source on the left toolbar to identify the author of the image. andranik123. (n.d.). Man holding a digital pictures [Image]. Adobe Express. https://new.express.adobe.com |
Fig.1 Hospital Beds (gorden murah surabaya,n.d.) Note: Image is from Canva |
Image from Canva Elements in Canva such as images do not require any attribution, therefore no full reference list entry is required. |
- A full reference entry is not needed if you are citing images that do not require attribution or are public domain. However, if you do use images from this source, it is recommended that you add a caption for your image and a note that identifies the source of this image such as Note: Image is from ....
For information on sources of Clip Art and Stock Images as well as when attribution is necessary visit:
In text example |
Reference list example |
Fig. 5 Neural Network Deep Learning Prismatic (GDJ, 2018) Note: Image is from Open Clipart |
Image from Open Clipart Open Clipart images are public domain. No full reference is needed. |
-You do not need to include a reference list entry for any images that you have created or any photos you have taken. However, it is still considered good practice to include a caption that identifies the image/photograph as your own work.
Fig. X
Image Title
(Image created by myself) OR (Photograph taken by myself)
-Use these guidelines if the artwork is in a museum, museum website or art exhibition.
- In the Reference list entry, include the physical location of the artwork after the title, as Musuem/Exhibition Location, City/State, Country.
Fig. X
Image Title (Author, Year)
Author name OR online name. (Year). Title. Location. Copyright XXXX by Copyright Owner.
In text example |
Reference list example |
Fig. 1 Christina's World (Wyeth, 1948)
Physical rtwork (Museum Website) Wyeth, A. (1948).Christina’s world. Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, United States. Copyright 2012 by Andrew Wyeth. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/78455 |
-If you are preparing a thesis, or a paper for publication, or your work is going to be made publicly available in any way, you will need to ensure you have the correct permissions to re-use any images, data, tables and figures that you may reproduce in your work. For further information, refer to our Copyright pages.
- If you have used both text and an image from the same book or journal, only include the reference once in the reference list, and the copyright attribution must be included
- Every image included needs a caption as part of its in-text citation.
-The word Fig. and a number (from 1, in numerical order), both in bold font at the top.
- A title or brief description of the figure in italics.
Include an in-text citation with author, date, and page number.
Fig. X
Image Title (Author, Year, Page Range if possible)
Author. (Year). Book Title. Copyright XXXX by Copyright Owner Name. URL or DOI
In text example |
Reference list example |
Fig. 4 Important Childhood Micronutrients (Insel et al., 2007, p. 689)
Fig.1 Nursing Process Diagram (Doenges et al., 2024, p.48) |
Image from a print book Insel, P., Turner, R.E., & Ross, D. (2007). Nutrition (3rd ed.). Copyright 2007 by Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Image from an eBook Doenges, M., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. (2024). Nursing care plans : guidelines for individualizing client care across the life span. Copyright 2024 by F. A. Davis Company. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/think/detail.action?docID=31608043 |
-Google Images is a search engine that locates images on other webpages, it is not an original source for images.
-You should always go to the original source by selecting the image and then clicking ‘Visit page’.
-Then follow the format above for images from a website.