-Note that personal communications should not have full reference list entries. This is because the reader will not be able to retrieve the information.
- Personal communication (e.g. emails, lecturer information, unpublished lecture notes) to support arguments is generally not recommended to be included in academic writing. However, sometimes, for example in reflective writing, you may be required to do so.
- Statements made in video recordings (DVDs, YouTube, etc...) should be referenced as videos.
- It is recommended that you check with your learning facilitator before citing any personal communications.
-Include the speaker's initials and surname, e.g. J. Smith.
-Always include personal communication after the speaker's name
-For the date, include the Month Day, Year, e.g: January 3, 2024.
(Speaker Name, personal communication, Date)
In text example |
Reference list example |
In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) An email (S. Johnson, personal communication, August 12, 2020) confirmed... In-Text Citation (Quotation)
(S. Johnson, personal communication, August 12, 2020)
Personal communications should not have full reference list entries
- Personal interviews are not included with full reference list entries because they do not provide recoverable data. Cite them in text only.
-Include the interviewee initials and surname, e.g. J. Smith.
-Always include personal communication after the Interviewee name
-For the date, include the Month Day, Year, e.g: January 3, 2024.
-If the interview was recorded, it should be cited as a video.
(Interviewee Name, personal communication, Date)
In text example |
Reference list example |
In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) The company’s CEO confirmed during an interview that . . . (C. Castillo, personal communication, May 11, 2019). In-Text Citation (Quotation)
During an interview, CEO Christian Castillo stated that “profits have . . .” (personal communication, May 11, 2019).
Personal communications should not have full reference list entries