Canon R5 Video Setup Guide


The Canon EOS R5 can capture 12-bit RAW video internally at 8K, or record 4K (4:2:2 10-bit) at frame rates of up to 120p.

White Balance
ISO Auto
Frame Rate
Format Card
Manual Control
Audio Levels
Canon Log
Start Recording

White Balance

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Shoot 3 tab.
  • Select White Balance.
  • Choose Auto or the desired option.
  • Press Set to confirm.

ISO Auto

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Shoot 2 tab.
  • Select ISO Speed Settings.
  • Choose Auto.
  • Press OK to confirm.

Frame Rate

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Shoot 1 tab.
  • Select Movie Rec Quality.
  • Choose Movie Rec Size.
  • Select 4K D.
  • Choose 25.00P.
  • Select ALL-I.
  • Press Set to confirm.

Format Card

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the SetUp1 tab.
  • Select Format Card.
  • Choose CARD 2 (SD Card).
  • Press OK to confirm.
  • Press Set to finalize.

Manual Control

  • Adjust Aperture using the Front dial.
  • Select your desired settings.
  • Adjust Shutter Speed using the Back dial.
  • Set it to 1/50.

Audio Levels

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Shoot 1 tab.
  • Select Sound Recording.
  • Choose Auto.
  • Press Set to confirm.

Canon Log

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Shoot 3 tab.
  • Select Canon Log (CLOG).
  • Press Set to confirm.

Start Recording

  • Turn the Mode Dial to Video mode.
  • Press the INFO button to toggle between Camera and Video settings.
  • Select Aperture Priority AE.