Nikon Z6 II Video Setup Guide


The Nikon Z6 II records RAW 4K UHD and Full HD in both sensor modes. It can record 12-bit RAW externally in both BRAW and ProRes RAW formats.

Video Recording
Movie File Type
Movie Quality
Mic Sensitivity
ISO Settings
Video Resolution
Focus Mode
Aperture Control

Video Recording

  • Switch to video mode by moving the DISP switch from camera to video.
  • Set the Mode Dial to A by pressing and holding the Mode Dial button, then turning the dial to [A].

Movie File Type

  • Press MENU.
  • Select Movie Shooting Menu.
  • Select Movie File Type.
  • Select MOV.

Movie Quality

  • Press MENU.
  • Select Movie Shooting Menu.
  • Select Movie Quality.
  • Select High.

Mic Sensitivity

  • Press MENU.
  • Select Movie Shooting Menu.
  • Select Microphone Sensitivity.
  • Select AUTO or desired option.

ISO Settings

  • Press MENU.
  • Select Movie Shooting Menu.
  • Select ISO Sensitivity Settings.
  • Select ISO Sensitivity Mode M.
  • Select the desired option.

Video Resolution

  • Press MENU.
  • Select Movie Shooting Menu.
  • Select Frame Size/Frame Rate.
  • Select 3840x2160; 25fps and press OK.

Focus Mode

  • Press the MENU button.
  • Select the Photo Shooting Menu tab.
  • Select Focus Mode.
  • Select AF-F Single AF or desired option.

Aperture Control

  • Use the front dial to adjust the aperture.
  • Select your desired setting.